Tasawur Hussain shah, the real son of the soil of Nauranga Tehsil and District Mianwali, gave an everlasting identity to his native area . Syed  Tasawwur Hussain shah Late  was born at Village Nauranga . He graduated from Mianwali and joined State Bank of Pakistan in 60’s as Assistant Director after getting first position in a competitive examination in whole Pakistan East and West. He rose to the post of Chief Manager. He played an important and vital role for the uplift of his family, friends and people from Mianwali and other parts of Pakistan. He helped countless gems and pearls of Mianwali regarding higher education, employments on merit in Pakistan and abroad. Though he went to his final destiny but his name is written with golden words. May Allah place his soul in eternal peace and grant him high place in Jannah . Aameen .



Mr. Tasawur Hussain Shah, Chief Manager, State Bank of Pakistan, Quetta retired from the Bank’s service with effect from 23rd 2001 under the Early Retirement Incentive Scheme.

Mr Tasawur distinguished and illustrious central banking career spreads over a period of 37 years. Joining the Bank on 2nd September, 1964 he became Accounts Officer on 11th July. 1977 and was posted to (PAD). Central Directorate. On 4th February, 1978, he was transferred and posted to Banking Inspection Department-I, Central Directorate as Inspecting Officer. On 1st July, 1985 he was placed in pay scale of OG-3. On 25th July, 1987, Mr. Tasawur was promoted as Assistant Director and posted to Banking Inspection Department-1, SBP, Peshawar. He was transferred and posted to F.E. Adjudication Department, SBP, Lahore as Junior Joint Director on 23rd May, 1989. He was placed in the pay scale of OG-4 on 1st January, 1990. In the same capacity. Mr. Tasawur Hussain Shah was transferred and posted to F.E. Adjudication Department. SBP. Faisalabad on 24th August, 1991. He was transferred and posted as Chief Manager, SBP North Nazimabad Office. Karachi on 11th April, 1993. He was transferred and posted as Joint Director. Banking Supervision Department. Central Directorate on 10th February, 1994. In the same department. he was placed in the pay scale of OG-5 on 2nd July, 1994. Mr. Tasawur was promoted as Senior Joint Director on 4th October. 1995 and was transferred and posted to F.E. Adjudication Department. Central Directorate. On 29th January, 1997 he was posted as Director of the same department. In the same capacity, he was transferred and posted to Banking Inspection Department-III on 6th April, 1998. Mr. Tasawur Hussain Shah on 13th August, 1999 was posted as Chief Manager, SBP. Quetta-the post he held till his retirement from the Bank’s service.Mr. Tasawur  Hussain Shah has a long record of dedicated and selfless service to the Bank. We wish him all the best in his relaxed years of retirement.

Syed Tasawwur Hussain shah Late is my real maternal uncle. He was born at Village Nauranga Tehsil and District Mianwali..Information provided by Syed  Aqeel Hussain Shah from Village Nauranga, Tehsil and District Mianwali, working as Press Attache at the French embassy Islamabad.

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